I have tried every technique I have. Yet, I still have kids that won't do the work. And I am sick and tired of it. Sorry, I'm done holding your hand.
I truly believe that you build a program one kid at a time. I had in my three schools probably 10 kids who really committed last year out of 80. That was my first year.
I have at least double or triple that now with over 140 kids. Our fifth grade band level is playing up a full grade level from last year. Choir and Chorale are singing great. I feel real good about that. The core group is developing.
But lord, if I have to hear one more time that "why dont we play the music we played two years ago" I might blow a gasket. We are improving fast. My standard is simple-- do your best. Get on the bus!
The ones who want to go with you will. The ones who don't will eventually leave. The real question is, will the community you teach in support your efforts?