I was pleasantly surprised that 11 (maybe 12?) students agreed to start the process. I have done a lot of ARE YOU SURE??? but they haven't bailed yet. I'm excited that so many students have decided to try.
Here is my Day 1 assignment:
Day 1 Assignment:
- Have binder set -up.
- Notes
- Chapter Outlines
- Handouts
- Dictation
- Sight-singing
- Scores/Music
- Have pencils and highlighter. Have a great eraser--you will erase A LOT.
- Attend session during exam.
- Complete pre-assessments in Musition and Aurelia
- Create outline for Chapter 1 in textbook.
- This is for study purposes. You will do for each chapter.
- Complete assessment at end of chapter.
- Do first without checking book/answers.
- Practice sight singing on SRF.
- Please log in and practice.
- Minimum level: Be able to sing 8 measure exercise at Level 1
- Basic piano practice sheet.
- All 12 major scales (do-sol-do), arpeggio, chord
- All 12 minor scales (do-sol-do), arpeggio, chord
- Easy songs handout
When you are confident in this assignment OR you have a question/difficulty please fill out this form.